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Catch Phrase | 朋友圈式友谊(péngyǒuquānshì yǒuyì)


朋友圈” means “WeChat Moments,” “” means “style,” and “友谊” means “friendship.” Nowadays, Chinese people would befriend a new acquaintance on WeChat when they first meet. While people regularly like someone else’s posts on WeChat Moments and leave comments on them, they may not actually talk over the phone or send private messages to that person, let alone hang out together in real life. This type of friends — we have lots of them — are our“WeChat Moments friends.”


A: 你和计算机系的学神小林熟吗?我想请他帮个忙。

Nǐ hé jìsuànjīxì de xuéshén xiǎolín shú maWǒ xiǎng qǐng tā bānggemáng

Are you close with Xiao Lin, a top student from the computer science department? I want to ask him for a favor.

B: 不太熟哦,我们在一次朋友聚会上认识,仅仅是朋友圈式友谊而已。

Bútài shúowǒmen zài yīcì péngyǒu jùhuì shàng rènshíjǐnjǐn shì péngyǒuquānshì yǒuyì éryǐ

Not really. We met on a party thrown by another friend, and he is just one of my “WeChat Moments friends.”

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