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Catch Phrase | 伴手礼(bànshǒulǐ)


” means “accompanying,” “” means “hand,” and “” means “gift.” A saying first used by Taiwanese people, this term refers to “souvenirs.” As Chinese people traditionally underscore the importance of social relationships, they would often bring with them a gift like snacks or wines when visiting friends and relatives. They would also buy souvenirs for friends, relatives and co-workers after returning from a holiday trip. The souvenirs, not necessarily expensive, are often specialties produced in the tour destinations.


A: 五一假期去哪里玩了?

Wǔyī jiàqī qù nǎlǐ wán le

Where did you travel to during the May Day holiday?

B: 我去福建了。对了,我还给你带了点当地茶叶作伴手礼。

Wǒ qù fújiàn leDuìlewǒ hái gěi nǐ dài le diǎn dāngdì cháyè zuò bànshǒulǐ

I went to Fujian Province. I bought some local tea as a souvenir for you.

A: 谢谢,你太客气了。

Xièxienǐ tài kèqì le

Thank you for the trouble.

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